New Word: Dust

Pronunciation/dʌst/ 🔊

2 synonyms: Chaff and deadwood

1 antonym: catch

Meaning of the word: discarded or useless material
Part of speech: noun
Original sentence: The crowd shouted as clouds of dust came from inside the mountain.
A new sentence: The road to my town has no pavement, the cars raise a lot of dust




New Word: Pathways
Pronunciation: /ˈpæθˌweɪ/ 🔊
2 synonyms:Ways and routes
1 antonym: stop

Meaning of the word: a rough course or way formed by or as if by repeated footsteps.
Part of speech: Noun
Original sentence: Railroad companies employed thousands of workers to create the smooth, flat pathways required by trains.
A new sentence:I love the pathways with a lot trees.


                                                        SLAVE 💀

New Word: Slaves
Pronunciation: /sleɪv/🔊
2 synonyms: Bondmen and chattels
1 antonym: Freedmen

Meaning of the word: a person who is considered the property of another person.
Part of speech: Noun
Original sentence:  An African American man named John Henry was the hero of former slaves and the people who built the railroads.
A new sentences:   Today the men have freedom in his life, fifty years ago many men were some slaves.



New Word: Steel
Pronunciation/stiːl/[stiːɫ] 🔊
2 synonyms: Blade and brand
1 antonym: Daunt

Meaning: a hand weapon with a length of metal sharpened on one or both sides and usually tapered to a sharp point.
Part of speech: Noun
Original sentence: "I have the best steel-driver in the country.
A new sentence: I bought a steel door for my house.



New Word:
Pronunciation:  /ˈɹeɪlɹoʊd/🔊
2 synonyms: Rails and roads
1 antonym: pathway

Meaning: A system of tracks on which trains travel
Part of speech: Noun
Original sentence: Railroads began to link the United States together in the nineteenth century.
A new sentence: Years ago in Nicaragua there were railroads.



New Word: Tales
Pronunciation: /teɪlz/ 🔊
2 synonyms: Canards and stories
1 antonym: truths
Meaning:  a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe.
Part of speech:  Noun
Original sentence: Each group of workers had its own tall tale hero.
A new sentence: My mother always told me tales about my granmother.
